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Help Center
General Information
What is EMS Planner?
Can I try EMS Planner first?
Do I need to install anything?
Do I need to know or be certified in web programming language?
I have more questions...
What if my schedule is already online?
What is the benefit of using EMS Planner over other scheduling methods?
For General Members
How come I can not sign up for certain positions?
How do I cancel a shift that I am assigned to work?
How do I obtain access to my squad’s scheduling calendar?
How do I sign up for a shift?
How do I stop getting email notifications?
I'm having trouble logging into the website!
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For Administrators
Can I assign shifts to members even though they did not register?
How do I approve or deny users a shift?
How do I delete someone from his/her shift that is also recurring consecutive shifts?
How do I give users access to the calendar website?
How do I post comments on the calendar?
How do I take my squad Out Of Service (OOS) or back into service?
What are Member Privileges?
What happens after I approve someone?
What happens to the members, that share the same date, shift, and position, who I didn’t approve but didn’t reject?
Where is the Review Shift link?
What are the differences between an Administrator, Moderator, General Member, and Observer?
I have more questions…
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